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IREHR in the Stranger: “Slog AM: Jan 6 Hearings Begin, Seattle’s OPA Director Finalists, and 30 WA Legislators Found Lurking in Creepy Facebook Groups” – June 10, 2022

By June 10, 2022May 4th, 2023No Comments1 min read

IREHR’s report, Breaching the Mainstream, was cited in the Stranger;

Journalist Will Casey writes, “Conveniently snooping on your ex’s vacation photos cannot justify the radicalization of hundreds of state legislators nationwide, because that’s what a new report from the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights says is happening on the platform. They’ve tracked state legislator membership in what they characterize as far-right Facebook groups and found 875 state legislators participating in all sorts of cesspools of the internet.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Author Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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