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IREHR in KUOW: “New report lists legislators linked to far-right Facebook groups” – June 9, 2022

By June 9, 2022May 4th, 2023No Comments1 min read

IREHR’s President, Devin Burghart, was interviewed on KUOW regarding Breaching the Mainstream;

Burghart said, “What we found was striking. The fact that 875 state legislators had joined one or more far-right Facebook groups was astonishing to us.”

He continues on, “We’re talking about a range of pretty far-right Facebook groups, everything from militia and sovereign citizen groups, to election and Covid deniers, to far-right conspiracists, neo-Confederates, and others.”

“When we started digging into the data and found state legislators involved in groups, for instance, that were involved in insurrectionist activity at the nation’s capitol, and in various different armed standoffs with the government, we knew that we had a much bigger problem on our hands.” Said Burghart

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Laura Gibbons

Author Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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