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IREHR in BuzzFlash: “Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash: Accelerationists Target Country’s Infrastructure to Advance White Nationalist Revolution” – March 8, 2023

By March 8, 2023April 15th, 2023No Comments1 min read

IREHR’s Executive Director, Devin Burghart, was quoted in BuzzFlash by Author Bill Berkowitz;

“For years now, among the white nationalist vanguardist-wing circulated the idea of ‘accelerationism’ — far-rightists targeting the country’s infrastructure as part of an imposing plan for white nationalist revolution and an authoritarian reset of society,” said Devin Burghart

“Committing acts of friction and chaos in small cells are meant to facilitate complete societal collapse. In the aftermath, heavily armed far-right groups would be able to impose their vision for society onto a vulnerable and desperate population.” said Devin Burghart

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Laura Gibbons

Author Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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