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IREHR in The Daily News: “Walsh singled out by report on far-right influence on state politicians” – June 13, 2022

By June 13, 2022May 4th, 2023No Comments1 min read

IREHR’s research director, Chuck Tanner, was quoted by The Daily News regarding Breaching the Mainstream;

Reporter Brennan Kauffman writes, “Research director for the institute Chuck Tanner said the report tried to distinguish traditional conservative Facebook groups from ones that advocated for more extreme action. Tanner said they selected pages that had direct ties to prominent organizers of far-right groups, strongly opposed policies that would create more equality and organized local actions to protest or disrupt the government.”

“These pages are stuff that no legislator with an ounce of integrity should be anywhere near,” Tanner said.

“When legislators start engaging in groups that want to overturn the Constitution’s equality provisions and joining groups that support insurrection and paramilitary activism, that’s beyond the pale,” Tanner said.

Kauffman continues on, “Tanner said the report likely understated the connections between legislators and these organizers because the report focused solely on Facebook groups. Tanner said the group focused on Facebook groups because they were relatively easy to researchers to monitor and the platform’s popularity with legislators.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Author Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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