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IREHR in Route-Fifty: “22% of Republican State Lawmakers Nationwide Joined Far-Right Facebook Groups, Study Finds” – May 16, 2022

By May 16, 2022May 4th, 2023No Comments1 min read

IREHR’s newest report, Breaching the Mainstream, was cited by Route-Fifty;

Author Daniela Altimari writes “The institute’s report, “Breaching the Mainstream,’’ contains a database of 789 far-right Facebook groups and lists the state lawmakers who have joined them.”

Devin Burghart, IREHR’s executive director, was quoted by Route-Fifty;

“We wanted to have some sort of indicator of how far-right ideas have moved from the margins to the mainstream. Frankly, we were shocked by what we found.” Said Burghart

Altimari writes, ““These channels have been used to promote ‘the great replacement,’ the idea that inspired the Buffalo shooter to carry out his horrific act,’’ Burghart said. The anti-immigrant ideology “is increasingly common in these channels and it’s being parroted by far-right state legislators.“”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Author Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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