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[101]. Erik Erickson, “I’m Afraid Sarah Palin Might Be Ruining Herself Unintentionally,” Red State Blog, January 11, 2010,

[102]. Devin Burghart, “Anti-Immigrant Group Bails on Tea Party Nation Convention,” Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights website, January 27, 2010, https://irehr.orgindex.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=47.

[103]. Ed Luce “Wedge Issues Threaten Tea Party Unity,” Financial Times, February 5, 2010

[104]. Zachary Roth, “‘The Tea Party Movement Is About To Be Hijacked’: Activists Slam Plan for Convention,” Talking Points Memo, January 11, 2010,

[105]. Zachary Roth, “‘The Tea Party Movement Is About To Be Hijacked’: Activists Slam Plan for Convention,” Talking Points Memo, January 11, 2010,

[106].”Black Bishop (E.W. Jackson Sr.) Speaks at Tea Party Convention and Urges Blacks to Join,” Media Advisory, Christian Newswire, February 4, 2010,

[107].”Mission,” Staying True to America’s National Destiny website, undated, accessed July 1, 2010,

[108]. “Highlights From the Anti-Hate Crimes Legislation Rally,” People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch website, November 18, 2009,

[109]. “Black Minister Forms Political Action Committee (STAND America PAC) to Defeat Liberal Congressional Black Caucus and Break ‘Death Grip’ of Democrat Party on Black Community,” Media Advisory, Christian Newswire, April 21, 2010,

[110]. Stand America PAC, FEC Form 3X, July 15, 2010.

[111]. Devin Burghart, “TN Talkshow Host Calls for Shooting of Immigrants,” Building Democracy Initiative website, April 28, 2006, .

[112]. Roy Beck spoke at the Council of Conservative Citizens national conference in North Carolina on November 14, 1997. Citizens Informer, Winter 1997/98, 1: Beck has given testimony before Congressional committees on numerous occasions, including June 3, 2009, May 9, 2007, March 24, 2004, and May 15, 2001, “Congressional Testimony,” NumbersUSA website,

[113]. Tea Party Patriots, “Tea Party Patriots Mission Statement and Core Values,” Tea Party Patriots Website, Undated, Accessed August 1, 2010,

[114]. In fact, as of July 31, 2010, the PAC hasn’t raised or spent anything for the for the 2009-2010 election cycle; “Tea Party Patriots Inc PAC: Committee (C00473660) Summary Reports – 2009-2010 Cycle” Federal Elections Commission website, Accessed September 4, 2010,

[115]. See Note 1 for details on data collection and analysis methodology.

[116]. See Note 1 for details on data collection and analysis methodology.

[117]. See Note 1 for details on data collection and analysis methodology.

[118]. As a for-profit entity, Tea Party Nation doesn’t make its revenue or expenditures available to the public. Hence, it is impossible to gauge how they would compare to other factions.

[119]. “Summary Page: Tea Party Patriots, Inc.” Colorado Secretary of State Licensing Center website, accessed August 1, 2010,

[120]. Zachary Roth, “Top Tea Partier, Husband, Owed IRS Half a Million Dollars,” Talking Points Memo, October 8, 2009,; Oren Dorell, “Tax Revolt a recipe for tea parties,” USA Today, April 13, 2009,

[121]. Prior to the bankruptcy, the couple lived in a five-bedroom house in a Woodstock, Georgia subdivision. The couple had purchased twin Lincoln Navigator SUVs, contracted a yard service, purchased an expensive club membership, and more. For details, see Mark Davis, “Jenny Beth Martin: The Head Tea Party Patriot,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 9, 2010,; Bankruptcy details found in Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC. A Delaware Limited Liability Company v. Lee Sanders Martin, IV, Jennifer Elisabeth Martin, and Robert B. Silliman, as Trustee, Chapter 7, Case no. 08-76980-CRM, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia, December 5, 2008; and Voluntary Petition, Case 08-76980-crm, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia, August 29, 2008.

[122]. Mark Davis, “Jenny Beth Martin: The Head Tea Party Patriot,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 9, 2010,

[123]. Zachary Roth, “Top Tea Party Leader Was Paid By GOP Biz Group’s Campaign,” Talking Points Memo, March 3, 2010,

[124]. Eric Odom, “Tea Party Patriots,’ Tax Day Tea Party website, April 2009,

[125]. Jenny Beth Martin, Letter to Amy Kremer, October 15, 2009.

[126]. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. v. Amy Kremer, Civil Action no. 09-1-10603-42, Superior Court of Cobb County State of Georgia, November 10, 2009.

[127]. For Gold Sponsorship, see, Tennessee Tea Party Coalition, “Our Sponsors,” Tennessee Tea Party Website, undated, accessed May 15, 2010,; For $2500 Gold Sponsorship fee, see, “Tennessee Tea Party Coalition Convention – Sponsorship Packages,” Eventbrite Website, undated, accessed May 15, 2010,

[128]. Karen Pack, “Texas…Silent No Longer,” Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[129]. “Patriot Alliances,” Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[130]. “Wood County Texas Tea Party,” home page, Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[131]. Karen Pack, “An Ardent Plea,” Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[132]. The Knights KKK also listed Ms. Pack’s husband as a member. In a phone call to Ms. Pack on Sept. 8, she agreed that she was the head of the Wood County Tea Party, but did not answer questions about her relationship to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan during the mid-1990s.

[133]. Karen Pack, “Texas…Silent No Longer,” Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[134]. Karen Pack, “An Ardent Plea,” Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[135]. Karen Pack, “An Ardent Plea,” Winnsboro, Texas Tea Party website, undated,

[136]. Event date, May 29, 2010. “Speaking Engagements,” Sheriff Mack website.

[137]. “Sheriff Richard Mack,” Event Announcement, Tea Party Patriots website, January 18, 2010,

[138]. “Amarillo Tax Day Tea Party,” Event Announcement, Tea Party Patriots website, April 15, 2010, ; Janelle Stecklein, “Amarillo Tea Party Patriots: A subdued gathering,” website, April 16, 2010,

[139]. Kathryn Rombach, “Sheriff Richard Mack Speaking in Silver City,” FreedomWorks Tea Party HQ website, March 1, 2010,

[140]. Event Dates: Prattville, Alabama, January 18, 2010; Amarillo, Texas, April 15, 2010; Silver City, New Mexico, March 3, 2010; Prineville, Oregon, April 20, 2010; Bloomington, Minnesota, November 14, 2009.

[141]. Stephanie Smith, “Full House at Asotin Tea Party,” KLEW TV website, February 15, 2010,

[142]. David DeGerolamo and Erika Franzi were at the Nashville Tea Party Nation in February 2010.

[143]. John (Hans) Mentha, “Solutions to the tyranny of National government,” Triangle NC Freedom website, February 13, 2010,

[144]. “Rally Against Illegal Immigration,” Tea Party Patriots Website, undated, accessed June 18, 2010,

[145]. “Iniative[Sic] – 1056 Signing” Tea Party Patriots Website, undated, accessed June 25, 2010,

[146]. Respect Washington website,

[147]. Taylor Barnhill, “Columbus Tea Party ‘Supports Arizona’,” WTVM Website, July 11, 2009,

[148]. Our Country Deserves Better – PAC query of individual donors, from “Detailed Files About Candidates, Parties, and Other Committees” databases, Federal Elections Commission, downloaded June 15, 2010,

[149]. See Note 1 for details on data collection and analysis methodology.

[150]. “Staunch Gun Rights Defender Vying for Open Congressional Seat,” Gun Owners of America, December 1, 2005; Kaloogian was exposed during this campaign for using a photo of Istanbul and claiming it was a picture of Baghdad. Dana Milbank,Baghdad on the Bosporus,” Washington Post online, March 30, 2006,

[151]. “Principals,” Russ Marsh & Rogers Website, undated, accessed, July 1, 2010,

[152]. “Agency Experience,” Russ Marsh & Rogers Website, undated, accessed, July 1, 2010,; Kaloogian led the successful 2003 effort to recall California Governor Gray Davis. He and Russo also produced a series of TV ads that claimed Iraq actually had weapons of mass destruction, launched an “I love Gitmo” campaign to support U.S. detention policies, and organized protests against anti-war demonstrators. “‘I Love GITMO’ Campaign Launched by Move America Forward,” Move America Forward Website, June 17, 2005,

[153]. Our Country Deserves Better PAC “About Us,” Our Country Deserves Better PAC website, undated, accessed, August 1, 2010,

[154]. Joe Wierzbicki, “The Tea Party Express,” Project Proposal –Draft Memo, April 17, 2009.

[155]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 145.

[156]. “Order Granting Plaintiff’s Motion for Interlocutory Injunction,” Tea Party Patriots, Inc. vs Amy Kremer, Cobb County Georgia Superior Court, Civil Action No. 09-1-10603-42, November 10, 2009.

[157]. See, for instance, Kremer’s response to the Mark Williams attack on the NAACP. “Tea Party Racism Rift Reveals Fissures,” CBS News website, July 20, 2010,

[158]. Zachary Roth, “Conservative Activist Forwards Racist Pic Showing Obama As Witch Doctor,” Talking Points Memo website, July 23, 2009,

[159]. Zachary Roth, “Tea Party Leader To McKalip: ‘We All You’re your Back My Friend!’,” Talking Points Memo, July 24, 2009,

[160]. Amy Kremer, “College Football Sunday ~ Lawsuit Dismissed,” Southern Belle Politics website, October 25, 2005,

[161]. Lloyd Marcus, “Exclusive: Tea Parties – It’s the Media, Stupid!” Family Security Matters website, June 30, 2010,; Lloyd Marcus, “Exclusive: Black Tea Party Spokesman Rebukes NAACP,” Family Security Matters website, July 15, 2010,; Lloyd Marcus, “Exclusive: Tea Party ‘Race’ Issue Manipulated by the Media?” Family Security Matters website, July 20, 2010,

[162]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 156.

[163]. Alex Brant-Zawadzki, “Mark Williams Posts Offensive Image of Muhammad,” Huffington Post website, May 17, 2010,

[164]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 19.

[165]. Joe Wierzbicki, “The Tea Party Express,” Project Proposal –Draft Memo, April 17, 2009.

[166]. Our Country Deserves Better – PAC, query of individual donors, from “Detailed Files About Candidates, Parties, and Other Committees” databases, Federal Elections Commission, downloaded June 15, 2010,

[167]. Jonathan Karl, “Far-Right John Birch Society 2010,” ABC News The Note Blog, February 19, 2010,

[168]. “Conservative Republican Takes on Harry Reid!,” Tea Party Express Blog, April 25, 2010,

[169]. “Enjoy! Newspaper Ad to ‘Defeat Harry Reid,’ & Elect Conservative Republican Sharron Angle,” Tea Party Express Blog, May 11, 2010,

[170]. “The $150,000 Tea Party MONEY BOMB For Sharron Angle’s U.S. Senate Bid,” Tea Party Express Blog, May 16, 2010,

[171]. “Progress Report on $150,00 Money Bomb for Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate,” Tea Party Express Blog, May 23, 2010,

[172]. “Nearly 30,000 Back Arizona’s Fight Against Illegal Immigration,” Tea Party Express Blog, May 4, 2010,

[173]. Free Republic website,

[174]. James W. Von Brunn, “Obama is missing!” Free Republic website, taken down by Free Republic after the shooting, cache of the post available here,

[175]. Chris Parry, “Conservative Free Republic blog in free speech flap after racial slurs directed at Obama children,” The Vancouver Sun, July 12, 2009,

[176]. Kristinn Taylor is a spokesperson for Free Republic and also works with Move America Forward, whose leadership is also behind Our Country Deserves Better PAC. See, Kristinn Taylor, “Author page” Big Government website, undated, accessed August 1, 2010,

[177]. Our Country Deserves Better PAC is the creation of the principles in the PR firm of Russo Marsh & Rogers. Russo Marsh & Rogers was the driving force behind Move America Forward, the pro-war, pro-torture group known best for harassing anti-war activists. In fact, Our Country Deserves Better and Move America Forward share several staff members. Howard Kaloogian chairs OCDB and is the founder and former chair of MAF. Sal Russo serves as chief strategist for both groups. Joe Wierzbicki, a principal in Russo Marsh & Rogers serves as grassroots coordinator for MAF and coordinator of OCDB. Deborah Johns is MAF’s director of military relations and, until recently, an OCDB spokesperson.

[178]. Kristinn Taylor, “Freedom Works Willing to Throw Tea Party Under the Bus to Appease Democrats, Media,” Free Republic Website, March 22, 2010,

[179]. Stephanie Mencimer, “Dick Armey Skips Reid Protest,” Mother Jones, March 12, 2010,

[180]. Stephanie Mencimer, “Dick Armey Skips Reid Protest,” Mother Jones, March 12, 2010,

[181]. “About” Tea Party Express Website, Accessed June 1, 2010 now unavailable.

[182]. Tea Party Nation, “Tea Party Endorsements” email from Tea Party Nation to supporters, May 21, 2010.

[183]. Devin Burghart, “Revival and Revolt: Inside the Tea Party Nation Convention,” Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights website, February 11, 2010, https://irehr.orgindex.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52.

[184]. “Thank You And Fight On!” Email message to all members of, April 11, 2010.

[185]. Kenneth P. Vogel, “GOP Operatives Crash the Tea Party,” Politico, April 14, 2010,

[186]. Kenneth P. Vogel, “GOP Operatives Crash the Tea Party,” Politico, April 14, 2010,

[187]. “Tea Party Patriots Statement on Tea Party Express,” email archived on Blue Collar republican Website, October 19, 2009,

[188]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), electronic purchase edition, 113.

[189]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 122.

[190]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 40.

[191]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 19.

[192]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 147.

[193]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 147.

[194]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 152.

[195]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 163-164.

[196]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 80.

[197]. Mark Williams, “Savage Islam Wants Mosque at Ground Zero – Monument To Hijackers, 9/11 a ‘Positive’ Thing,” Website, May 18, 2010,″ target=.

[198]. Mark Williams, Taking Back America One Tea Party at a Time, (Mark Williams, 2009-2010), Electronic edition, 82.

[199]. Beckman is no stranger to Tea Party events, either. For instance, he was spotted at the January 12, 2010 Tea Party-sponsored “Sovereignty Winter Fest” in Olympia, Washington chatting with Darin Stevens of the Spokane 9-12 Project; Devin Burghart, “Hundreds Gather in Olympia for Sovereignty Winter Fest,” Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights website, January 20, 2010,

[200].”Tea Party Radio Hour,” The Roth Show radio program, February 25, 2010, accessed at