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IREHR in Vice: “Provocateur Ammon Bundy Out of Jail on Bond After His Supporters Bombard Sheriff With Harassment” – August 14, 2023

By August 14, 2023August 15th, 2023No Comments1 min read

IREHR’s Executive Director, Devin Burghart, was cited in Vice;

Author Tess Owens writes, “On Saturday night, Gaylord and others went to harass Gem County Sheriff Donnie Wunder at his home, according to the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights executive director Devin Burghart, who has been tracking the case and Bundy’s People’s Rights Network closely.”

IREHR’s report Ammon’s Army was cited;

Author Tess Owens writes, “A report by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, titled ‘Ammon’s Army,’ described the group as a ‘dangerous new network of militia members, anti-maskers, conspiracists, preppers, [and] anti-vaxxers,’ that’s not only exploded in numbers—estimated to be over 35,000 strong—but also amassed real political power, with members taking over the state GOP in Washington and Idaho.”

Read more here

Laura Gibbons

Author Laura Gibbons

Laura Gibbons is an IREHR research associate.

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